Monday, December 19, 2011

An adult's playground

Alright. I don't know who created this gem, but to whom it may concern: you are a genius. If only every little kid understood this concept. I know that reading isn't for everyone, but there is a book for everyone. This makes me want to teach 1st grade so that I can watch children's minds spin as they grasp the beauty of text and margins and underlining and big font books.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

On My Mind

Instead of doing homework, I've been losing myself in text and annotated margins of my own free will.

I recently read The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. And man, did it throw me for a loop. My blessed, book-loving, soulmate of a friend Madi gave it to me from her book collection. Let me tell you - there is nothing better than book borrowing. Especially when that book has little notes tucked in the cracks and the pages are bent because the owner stayed up late one night, reading that page over and over again and circling that one word that stands out like darkness in New York City. It feels so good to read something that has been read and loved by somebody else. Magical.

Anways, in the book, the main character Charlie talks about feeling infinite when he listens to songs and falls in love. And that word infinite has been resounding in my head for quite some time now. Because, really, we all have those infinite moments. Like spending time in bookstores, or driving at midnight in the beloved highschool crap car, listening to slow music and letting the breeze crawl through your hair. Or even eating macaroni&cheese.

So when these moments creep along beside me, I grapple for them. There is nothing better.

Also. I've been obsessed with many things lately. These are just a few.
[most are from tumblr, so I'm not sure of their sources]

Monday, November 7, 2011

Nothing Better

...than doing your homework by candlelight.
Taking it back 11th century style, y'all.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Just like that. A loud sound vibrates through my being.
I have a hobby.
My family is all very unique and talented. Dad is annoyingly brilliant, Mom is gifted with designing and picking out color schemes in a room, brother can play the guitar and piano by ear (not to mention kill every sport he plays) and sister can dance crazy well.
So all my life I've wondered what my gift was, what pastime would wile away the hours.
And then I saw this nugget on Tumblr:

How did I not realize this sooner? Writing, reading...those are completely legitimate hobbies.
When I was younger, I tried everything - collecting receipts, photography, the 50 states quarter name it, I probably considered it at one low point in my life.
*whew*. Rest assured self, you have a pastime. And a pleasant one at that.
Over and out.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Little Shoppin'

Nothing like antique shopping to get the weekend off and roaring. Downtown does a fun festival called First Friday that we love to attend. String lights are broken out, food is grilled and malts are whisked out of the soda shop like clockwork. It's the only taste of culture we seem to have around these parts.

P.S. - obsessed with the "An Education" soundtrack. I really enjoyed the movie, and I'm wondering why it took me so long to discover the same goes for the soundtrack...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Craftin' Up A Storm

It's like therapy. I was gonna say free therapy, but, alas, it's not. I still had to pay. But what I didn't have to cash out the moolah for was sitting on my floor, watching Pride and Prejudice and having great conversations with splendid friends. Other things I did consisted of Hobby Lobby runs,

[nervously] checking my bank account constantly, reading Shakespeare, decorating journals, staring at Mason jars,

 and more Mason jars with books and my meager Paris fund,

partaking in Sonic Happy Hour,

trying to be artsy and painting,

and scouring StumbleUpon. Suffice to say, it's been a fabulously slow weekend.
The roomie wasn't here this weekend. I missed her. But I also enjoyed solo dance parties to the Dirty Dancing soundtrack and singing without caring whose eardrums would burst. Oh, and sleeping in an oversized flannel shirt and curling up in bed to some late night poetry. Mmmm. The good life.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Life Lately

It's been a while.
Life moves at a glacial pace sometimes, and then there are the other days that I wake up and wonder where the months of June, July and August went. ZOOM. Right out the window. This summer over all was fantabulous. Don't get me wrong, it was hot and long and sometimes downright wearisome, but through it all I learned a butt load of things about people and myself. So to keep things updated, here's what my life has consisted of lately:

Did the whole "camp" thing. Made tons of friendsies, which is great. The Lord broke my heart and taught me what it means to be a true servant. My favorite part was having an excuse to wear my ridiculous costumes. However, it's not always easy to take care of other people's (bratty) children...

Wilson Road Trip 2011! Gosh darn I love these boogers. Every year it gets harder to leave home and let my broda and sista have a life without me. Hopefully they will be joining me in a few short years. Anyhoo...we journeyed forth to Austin for Shirley's 80th birthday shenanigans. Pure greatness. My grandmother is one of the most resilent and honest women I have ever met. She has lived a long and true life, dedicated to her children and walk with God. I couldn't be prouder to call her my Mama C.

Then I moved in with this girl. Basically, I have the coolest roommate anyone could ever have. We laugh like crazy, do stupid things and watch whole seasons of "Friends" and "Boy Meets World" late into the night. I've never had more fun living with someone before. The Lair prevails!

Bought a hammock. I have never felt more granola in my life. It's just peachy. I took a 2 hour nap in a park by myself the other day, and haven't been that happy since. And to top it all off, my hammock buddy, Madi, and I drove back to the house and hollered at people. I mean, what fun is yelling at people without a penguin suit? Gotta love it. The college life is just swell. 

Took a weekend off to go visit high school and camp friends at TCU, and had lots of hooligan activities. Mainly sneaking into closets and rearranging clothes. *snicker snicker*

Ah. So happy to be back at Breakaway. God did so many amazing things in my life my freshman year, and Breakaway was just one of those happy moments. Every Tuesday I get to gather together with 5000 other Aggies and worship our Savior. The worship is incredible, and the talks are always just what I need to hear. 

And to top off the summer PLUS September, I got to see one of the most amazing concerts EVA. Matt Nathanson, whom I loved, but am now obsessed with, performed with Train and Maroon 5 on their tour. He was hilarious on stage and incredibly sweet off stage. He even signed my CD! Needless to say, the roommate and I were giddy over meeting him. What a great weekend.

But now its time to hit the books and get back to snatching that diploma. Five tests in three days = no bueno. But hey, at least I'm studying what I love. Except geography. And math. And sociology. Ok, so really only English. But you know what, I wouldn't trade it for nada. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011


How horribly romantic. Gives me chills every time I look at it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mi Familia

I stinkin' love my family. Once the stress of finals are over, I get to travel home and hang out with da COOLEST brother and sister. Plus, I just found out that I will be driving the family suburban next year. Holla for finally having a vehicle with four wheels and a roof, and one gigantic thumbs up for not having to bum rides from my friends.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Need My Mother

Sometimes I get back to my dorm room at the end of the day, look in the mirror and wonder why my friends don't love me enough to let me know that I look like a blueberry.

Monday, April 18, 2011

All That Stuff

Everyone is stressed right now. Except for maybe me. Freshman year is almost over, and part of me is incredibly sad because I'll never get this moment back. But the other part of me is excited to be done with this stage in life, and to move on to the next chapter. I'm ready to not be a freshman anymore. It can be rather taxing at times.

So, here are a few things I've done to occupy my time in the last few weeks:

I've become a horticulturist. Truly. I have a little potted garden growing outside my nasty dorm room. This little beauty is a tomato plant that can't seem to stand up straight on his own. Good thing he has me to hold his leaves. Pretty positive my roommate thinks I'm crazy, but I would much rather be the eccentric plant lady rather than the crazed cat woman. Truth.

Went to an outdoor concert put on by a men's Christian organization on campus that completely rocked my socks off. Nothing is better than cowboy boots, live music and huddling with friends on a blanket, laughing until we cry. Praise the Lord for fellowship. Plus feeling extremely artsy while you do it.

My sorority put on our annual 5K race this past weekend to benefit Scotty's House and CASA, two organizations that assist abused children. It was such a blessing to raise $45,888 for an organization that helps children and depends entirely on our assistance. Not to mention the fact that my friends and I had the immense privilege of dressing up in order to remind ourselves why we woke up at 5:15am. We even reached an all-time low when we parked outside the donut shop at 5:50am and had them open 10 minutes early so we could get our donuts on before setting up for the race.

All in all, these last few months have been legit. My friends and I are slowly learning that we are now each other's family; we are helping raise each other and making huge life decisions together. And it's all sustained through prayer. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Desire.

Source - Pinterest

FRECKLES. We should celebrate these beauts more. This coming from the girl who never wanted to change her freckles until a boy made fun of the three in a row on her right cheek. Nevertheless, still lovin' the frecks that God gave me. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

So. Lots going on in my world, and for some reason, I can't manage to accomplish any of it. I know there are things I could be doing right now, besides fantasizing about homemade mac&cheese and listening to 90's music, but honestly...I don't wanna. For some reason, I'm afraid that if I do work this semester, then I'll have missed out on my first (and only) easy semester of college. So I sit, lay, lounge, drool, sleep, dream, dance, etc until I'm blue in the face, and consequently, out of breath from the fast pace of life in general.
My relationship with the Lord needs a little revamping. My relationship with food needs a little revisiting. My relationship with homework needs to be permanently erased. 

Reebs's Short List of Things That May, But Probably Won't, Be Achieved:
1. Figure out what I truly like --> I feel like I spend most of my life copying others. I'm going to be honest with myself, starting....NOW. Confession: I hate Remember the Titans. Such a bandwagon movie. 
2. Earnestly love --> Jesus, friends, family. And be intentional in each.
3. Learn how to dougie.
4. Become crafty.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


{source unknown}

"Oh, It always puts
A smile on my face and it's the 
first time I've been back here since
the last time that I came
And I think you're really pretty
and that's all I'm gonna say
Did you miss me?
Did you miss me, Mississippi?
Would you kiss me if I stayed?"

~The Benjy Davis Project
aka my new obsession

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

City of Lurve

The fam and I are taking a little trip up north to the Big Apple for spring break. I could not be more THRILLED. This will be my sixth trip to New York City since I was 12. I love that place. I want to live there after I graduate, hopefully long enough to establish a residency and have an adventure. I want to live in a brownstone like Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail, work for some fabulous publishing company and wear chic clothes like Carrie Bradshaw {just minus her lifestyle choices}.

Absolute favorite paiting at the Met. I never remember it's name,
but I fell in love with love when I first saw it.

My best friend from high school and I, last year during spring break. Three good girl friends and I went for our senior spring break trip while everyone partied their lives away at Playa. This is also another personal fave of mine.

At first, I was a tad apprehensive about traveling with the family because my 17-year-old brother wants to see Wall Street. Yet graciously my mother has given my 14-year-old sister and I permission to trot around by ourselves and discover treasures untold. I've already bought my red fedora and have been focusing primarily on what to wear each day instead of studying for midterms.
I love feeling small and apprehensive in the city. The lights, the noise, the people watching, the food, the jagged streets, the blisters on your feet, the clothes, the shops...I could go on and on. It's all just so perfect.

Can't wait to brave the subways by myself this year. With a dependent 14-year-old. Yikes. This was in 2009, when I went with my high school newspaper for an awards ceremony at Columbia.

There's nothing like a little vacay to rejuvenate the soul and prepare the heart for the end of second semester. I'll also be working at a summer camp for the entire summer, so a trip to the city will be a nice breather before I engage in actual physical activity. Definitely not looking forward to the sweat that is soon to be my constant companion for two months.

PS - did I mention that we are staying in a hotel in the Fashion District? Yeah. Commence your jealousy now. BAH! Can't wait to be artsy and have a legitimate reason to do so.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Awake My Soul

I know I'm a little behind on the Mumford & Sons bandwagon, but these guys have got IT, whatever IT is. The lyrics are so incredibly powerful. I'm sitting on a pile of pillows and swooning all over the place. Studying for accounting will not be happening tonight. No siree. I have other priorities now. That's the problem with schoolwork - I don't really want to do it. 
Alas, the parental units say otherwise when they show me the tuition bill. Oh bother. Guess it's back to hitting the books. You can count on this song being on repeat. 

Hubba hubba.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Little Things

"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places"

~Roald Dahl

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pardon the Weirdness

...but couldn't we all agree that there is something so deliciously wonderful about wooden pencils? Nothing beats widdling it all the way down and feeling accomplished. This could be the writer in me, or simply the girl trying to finish SOMETHING worthwhile in her life, but seriously. I'm having an emotional affair with my #2 wooden pencil.

Friday, February 25, 2011

All the Goodness in the World

Peeps. Happy weekend. I personally will be donning this tiger shirt from the Walmart junior plus size section all weekend. Count on it.