Tuesday, March 8, 2011

City of Lurve

The fam and I are taking a little trip up north to the Big Apple for spring break. I could not be more THRILLED. This will be my sixth trip to New York City since I was 12. I love that place. I want to live there after I graduate, hopefully long enough to establish a residency and have an adventure. I want to live in a brownstone like Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail, work for some fabulous publishing company and wear chic clothes like Carrie Bradshaw {just minus her lifestyle choices}.

Absolute favorite paiting at the Met. I never remember it's name,
but I fell in love with love when I first saw it.

My best friend from high school and I, last year during spring break. Three good girl friends and I went for our senior spring break trip while everyone partied their lives away at Playa. This is also another personal fave of mine.

At first, I was a tad apprehensive about traveling with the family because my 17-year-old brother wants to see Wall Street. Yet graciously my mother has given my 14-year-old sister and I permission to trot around by ourselves and discover treasures untold. I've already bought my red fedora and have been focusing primarily on what to wear each day instead of studying for midterms.
I love feeling small and apprehensive in the city. The lights, the noise, the people watching, the food, the jagged streets, the blisters on your feet, the clothes, the shops...I could go on and on. It's all just so perfect.

Can't wait to brave the subways by myself this year. With a dependent 14-year-old. Yikes. This was in 2009, when I went with my high school newspaper for an awards ceremony at Columbia.

There's nothing like a little vacay to rejuvenate the soul and prepare the heart for the end of second semester. I'll also be working at a summer camp for the entire summer, so a trip to the city will be a nice breather before I engage in actual physical activity. Definitely not looking forward to the sweat that is soon to be my constant companion for two months.

PS - did I mention that we are staying in a hotel in the Fashion District? Yeah. Commence your jealousy now. BAH! Can't wait to be artsy and have a legitimate reason to do so.


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