Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Desire.

Source - Pinterest

FRECKLES. We should celebrate these beauts more. This coming from the girl who never wanted to change her freckles until a boy made fun of the three in a row on her right cheek. Nevertheless, still lovin' the frecks that God gave me. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

So. Lots going on in my world, and for some reason, I can't manage to accomplish any of it. I know there are things I could be doing right now, besides fantasizing about homemade mac&cheese and listening to 90's music, but honestly...I don't wanna. For some reason, I'm afraid that if I do work this semester, then I'll have missed out on my first (and only) easy semester of college. So I sit, lay, lounge, drool, sleep, dream, dance, etc until I'm blue in the face, and consequently, out of breath from the fast pace of life in general.
My relationship with the Lord needs a little revamping. My relationship with food needs a little revisiting. My relationship with homework needs to be permanently erased. 

Reebs's Short List of Things That May, But Probably Won't, Be Achieved:
1. Figure out what I truly like --> I feel like I spend most of my life copying others. I'm going to be honest with myself, starting....NOW. Confession: I hate Remember the Titans. Such a bandwagon movie. 
2. Earnestly love --> Jesus, friends, family. And be intentional in each.
3. Learn how to dougie.
4. Become crafty.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


{source unknown}

"Oh, It always puts
A smile on my face and it's the 
first time I've been back here since
the last time that I came
And I think you're really pretty
and that's all I'm gonna say
Did you miss me?
Did you miss me, Mississippi?
Would you kiss me if I stayed?"

~The Benjy Davis Project
aka my new obsession

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

City of Lurve

The fam and I are taking a little trip up north to the Big Apple for spring break. I could not be more THRILLED. This will be my sixth trip to New York City since I was 12. I love that place. I want to live there after I graduate, hopefully long enough to establish a residency and have an adventure. I want to live in a brownstone like Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail, work for some fabulous publishing company and wear chic clothes like Carrie Bradshaw {just minus her lifestyle choices}.

Absolute favorite paiting at the Met. I never remember it's name,
but I fell in love with love when I first saw it.

My best friend from high school and I, last year during spring break. Three good girl friends and I went for our senior spring break trip while everyone partied their lives away at Playa. This is also another personal fave of mine.

At first, I was a tad apprehensive about traveling with the family because my 17-year-old brother wants to see Wall Street. Yet graciously my mother has given my 14-year-old sister and I permission to trot around by ourselves and discover treasures untold. I've already bought my red fedora and have been focusing primarily on what to wear each day instead of studying for midterms.
I love feeling small and apprehensive in the city. The lights, the noise, the people watching, the food, the jagged streets, the blisters on your feet, the clothes, the shops...I could go on and on. It's all just so perfect.

Can't wait to brave the subways by myself this year. With a dependent 14-year-old. Yikes. This was in 2009, when I went with my high school newspaper for an awards ceremony at Columbia.

There's nothing like a little vacay to rejuvenate the soul and prepare the heart for the end of second semester. I'll also be working at a summer camp for the entire summer, so a trip to the city will be a nice breather before I engage in actual physical activity. Definitely not looking forward to the sweat that is soon to be my constant companion for two months.

PS - did I mention that we are staying in a hotel in the Fashion District? Yeah. Commence your jealousy now. BAH! Can't wait to be artsy and have a legitimate reason to do so.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Awake My Soul

I know I'm a little behind on the Mumford & Sons bandwagon, but these guys have got IT, whatever IT is. The lyrics are so incredibly powerful. I'm sitting on a pile of pillows and swooning all over the place. Studying for accounting will not be happening tonight. No siree. I have other priorities now. That's the problem with schoolwork - I don't really want to do it. 
Alas, the parental units say otherwise when they show me the tuition bill. Oh bother. Guess it's back to hitting the books. You can count on this song being on repeat. 

Hubba hubba.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Little Things

"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places"

~Roald Dahl

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pardon the Weirdness

...but couldn't we all agree that there is something so deliciously wonderful about wooden pencils? Nothing beats widdling it all the way down and feeling accomplished. This could be the writer in me, or simply the girl trying to finish SOMETHING worthwhile in her life, but seriously. I'm having an emotional affair with my #2 wooden pencil.