Saturday, November 26, 2011

On My Mind

Instead of doing homework, I've been losing myself in text and annotated margins of my own free will.

I recently read The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. And man, did it throw me for a loop. My blessed, book-loving, soulmate of a friend Madi gave it to me from her book collection. Let me tell you - there is nothing better than book borrowing. Especially when that book has little notes tucked in the cracks and the pages are bent because the owner stayed up late one night, reading that page over and over again and circling that one word that stands out like darkness in New York City. It feels so good to read something that has been read and loved by somebody else. Magical.

Anways, in the book, the main character Charlie talks about feeling infinite when he listens to songs and falls in love. And that word infinite has been resounding in my head for quite some time now. Because, really, we all have those infinite moments. Like spending time in bookstores, or driving at midnight in the beloved highschool crap car, listening to slow music and letting the breeze crawl through your hair. Or even eating macaroni&cheese.

So when these moments creep along beside me, I grapple for them. There is nothing better.

Also. I've been obsessed with many things lately. These are just a few.
[most are from tumblr, so I'm not sure of their sources]

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