Friday, March 16, 2012

Yeah. That didn't work out.

So my New Year's Resolution flopped before it even began.
The picture thing didn't work out too hot.

IN RETALIATION against my lack of self-discipline, I mentally decided to start reading for fun again. Make time in my schedule, possibly even push aside reading in my English classes to read for ME.
That's what my childhood was filled with. Reading for fun, feeling my brain expand and letting the new worlds take form in my imagination. It's been great. I just finished The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides. Actually, you can say that I've been on a Jeffrey Eugenides spree. I also read The Marriage Plot by him. The guy is quite the genius, if we are being honest. His writing style is unique; he knows his stuff.

Kirsten Dunst in the film adaptation, as the sensual Lux Lisbon.
source - Tumblr

The reason I liked The Virgin Suicides was because it was different. He writes from the perspective of the neighborhood boys. You never know who is actually narrating, which elevates the mystery of the novel. Eugenides composes with passion, eccentric details and isn't afraid to startle you with something unsettling. I felt as if I was reading with a filter covering the pages of the book, keeping me at an arm's distant from the unfortunate Lisbon girls. That book proved to me why I am an English major - why my unhealthy obsession with the written word is acceptable.
So here's the deal. The books. They take over now, not the pictures. Because let's face it, every girl out there believes she is a fabulous photographer, all because she owns a DSLR and can edit the photo on Photoshop.
