Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Lectio Divina

"divine reading"

The nerdy side of me enjoyed Latin this last semester a little too much. I found this phrase on le web and instantly fell in love. Sigh. I'll forever be stalking graffiti walls and the insides of books for romantic Latin phrases that precisely capture excellently what I wish to convey over every fiber of my being. It's simply too fabulous for words. If only I was brave enough to get a tattoo...

The other day I came to the realization that I am not, in fact, the only English major that wishes to open a coffee/bookstore when I graduate. Actually, EVERY English major out there seems to desire the exact same career. So scratch that plan. Although lately, I've been pinning cozy rooms and dark nooks that practically extend legitimate arms to you as you sit down in the overstuffed chair. This whole book thing really gets me. It really does.

(all sources from Pinterest)

Aren't they all gorgeous??